Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Graduate

Jess is done with High School! (well at least in her mind) she has 3 and a half more days left. She is graduating on Friday. Then moving out on Saturday. It's so wierd to think that our family is changing so quickly! I just barely had her and now she's leaving and things won't ever be the same.

She has been having fun hangin out a little with Scott Olsen--he just got back from his mission a few weeks ago. They are good friends and I just wanted to put this pic up because he is so dang cute!

She also just got a car--she is sooooooo excited about it! I'll have to post a pic of it when she actually gets it.


  1. Deb our babies are OLD!! Remember when they were born, only 3 weeks apart? It doesn't seem like that long ago. Here they are graduating from high school. Doesn't it seem like WE just graduated? :(

  2. oh how fast the years pass, do not blink my friend, or you may miss out on one golden moment after another.
    and remember, to you, we are but fair children running and singing in the summer sun. but to i and others like unto myself, this stepping stone of life could've arrived a lot sooner, and made us all the happier.
    to be done with high school, is the greatest blessing one could hope for.

  3. Jess you CRACK me up!!!! I could hang with you. You have my brand of humor girl!!! lol

  4. Way to go Jess, I am so sorry Debbie, I am very scared for when Seth gets to graduate. Time goes way fast. Tell Jess I love her Death Song for Memorial day, yes she serenaded us in Young Womens on SUnday, Brooklyn would have nothing to do with it. Smart girl

  5. I can't beleave how much jess looks like you Debbie. You have got you one beutiful girl on your hands.
